Hi there!
Welcome to Roadtrips and Suitcases, a collection of facts, thoughts, impressions, and other ramblings related to our recent travels around the world. The genesis of the website initially stemmed from constantly being asked by friends and family about the various details that made our trips successful. Although we love reminiscing and talking about our trips, we eventually felt that putting everything in writing would allow us to better remember details and provide more accurate accounts of the various aspects of our trips. Once we started putting things in writing, it became really hard to stop!
Our purpose is definitely not to overwhelm you with endless travel information or to convince you to visit all the must-see tourist attractions in a given location. Rather, we just want to share our experiences and hope to provide some travel inspiration and to provide the relevant information to get you started — because, in all truthfulness, nothing beats a tried and true travel guidebook to properly prepare you for your intended trip.
About us

We are Pat & Isa, a Canadian couple who love travel, roadtrips, hiking, admiring landscapes, and eating exotic food. We have different travel preferences that, although might seem contradictory, actually do complement each other. Pat tends to lean towards nomadic adventures in rugged landscapes and is constantly thinking about photography and hiking, whereas Isa prefers a little comfort and downtime and is definitely the foodie expert of the two. The end result is often a nice blend of the two mindsets and we both benefit!
Our mornings and early afternoons tend to be more adventure-laden, whereas the second part of our days is generally geared towards relaxation, nice dinners, and sleeping in a cozy bed.