Kauai Travel Guide – Itinerary

Welcome to our Kauai Travel Guide trip itinerary page, where we will detail the day-to-day itineraries, travel routes and distances (or travel times) of our trip to Kauai.


Our Kauai travel itinerary (which actually includes nearly a week in Honolulu) for this trip was rather straightforward:

  • Six nights in Waikiki (Honolulu’s most popular neighbourhood with its famous beach) on the island of Oahu;
  • Four nights in Princeville (northern coast of Kauai);
  • Four nights in Kappa (eastern coast of Kauai). 

In Oahu, we spent most of our time in and around Waikiki for work-related reasons, though we did rent a car one day to explore to eastern and northeastern portions of the island. 


In Kauai, we rented a car for the duration of our trip, which is definitely the best means of transportation to get around the island, even if it isn’t that big. You can (almost) lap around the island in about three hours. Almost, because there is a small portion of about 20 kilometres where the northern road and western road do not connect near the Hono’Onapali Natural Reserve Area.

We chose accommodations on the north and east coast of Kauai, in part because that is where the majority of lodging options are located. Although staying on the southeastern coast is also a possibility, most of the western coast is uninhabited as it is mostly made up of a military base to the south and state parks along the northern portion.

Lush green Kauai

Most of our time on the island was spent hiking for spectacular views in the mornings and relaxing at a different beach every afternoon. 

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